In July 2008 I auctioned Love on eBay.
Winning bid: US $76
Item description:
Although this item has been lost and found many times, for the most part it has managed to retain a pristine (though not flawless) condition. While many believe this item is free, it is nevertheless sold and purchased with great frequency.
Due to this high rate of exchange, the authenticity of this item is often disputed. Ultimately, its validity depends upon the buyer's trust. The seller is not responsible for any unrealistic expectations which accompany the purchase of this item.
This item has been known to solve all problems, provide a sense of absolute fulfillment, and make the world a perfect place. However, it is by no means a panacea. When mishandled it has also been known to create more problems than it solves, and, in extreme cases, canse seemingly endless suffering.
The buyer should beware that this item cannot be controlled by any means, and it can be quite volatile It bas a well-documented history of sparking criminal activity. However, if well cared for, this item is just as effective for preventing such transgressions.
The buyer should also beware that, regardless of the moral or ethical status of actions taken under the influence of this item, such actions generally tend to look ridiculous and absurd to outside observers. This likely results from the overflowing sensation of well-being and abundant energy reported by possessors of this item.
It should also be noted that this item bas inspired much creative output of varying quality. The buyer will receive a hand-signed certificate of ownership, pictured above.